Rio Vista CARE



"Even the smallest act of caring has the potential to turn a life around”

Can you imagine how a child feels when they get up every day and have to dress themselves, find food, and get themselves to school because Mom or Dad is addicted to drugs or alcohol? Or a child is routinely beaten or abused by a parent? Untreated, this causes a rippling effect. Abused children bully their siblings, and schoolmates. And later they abuse their own children and family. They are also more likely to create problems at work and throughout the community.

All of these conditions escalate dramatically during adverse economic times. Not even one child, adult or family should ever be turned away when they are in desperate need of CARE’s help.

With CARE’s help, these individuals begin to feel that there is hope for the future. Family ties are strengthened. Children’s school attendance, social interaction, and grades improve. We believe the stronger the individual, the stronger the family, the stronger the community.

Contact Information

125 Sacramento St., Rio Vista, CA 94571
Zip/Post Code


125 Sacramento St., Rio Vista, CA 94571

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