Pittsburg Yacht Club


The Pittsburg Yacht Club is located in the "Marina Park" section of the city of Pittsburg, California, just off Highway 4. The latitude is 38° 02.35 N and Longitude is 121° 53.17 W. In March 1994, Pittsburg Yacht Club moved into our new clubhouse located on the gateway to the Delta. You will enjoy a panoramic view of the Delta from our dining room and bar area. Our facility is easily accessible from either land or water from the Sacramento or San Joaquin side of the Delta. To get to the Pittsburg Yacht Club by road, take Highway 4 towards Pittsburg and take the Railroad Avenue exit. Follow Railroad Avenue North to Third Street (approximately one mile), take a left turn on Third Street, then a right turn at Marina Boulevard and turn right after the boat launch area. The Yacht Club is located at the end of the circled turn. Screen Shot 2014-08-16 at 5.58.28 PM

Contact Information

3 Marina Blvd, PO Box 971, Pittsburg, CA 94565
Zip/Post Code


3 Marina Blvd, PO Box 971, Pittsburg, CA 94565

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