Marina West Yacht Club



MWYC is a California Non-Profit Corporation formed in 1979. MWYC fosters an interest in all aspects of boating, promotes boating safety and education and assists its members in contributing to their enjoyment of water related recreation. MWYC is a friendly group who enjoy boating and socializing while developing lifetime friendships with those who share similar interests. “The idea is to have fun while being a responsible boater.”*

MWYC is active in the local boating community, Pacific Inter-Club Yacht Association of Northern California (PICYA) and Recreational Boaters of California (RBOC). For years MWYC has participated in the PICYA Wheel Chair Regatta affording wheel-chair bound and other institutionalized Veterans, the opportunity to spend a few hours cruising San Francisco Bay.

Marina West Yacht Club created and initiated “Delta Reflections” Lighted Boat Parade for the benefit of the Greater Stockton Community to launch the Christmas Holiday Season. For 34 years this spectacular parade of 50 boats or more, has been held on the first Saturday of December. Every boat is uniquely decorated in the spirit of Christmas. Through the parade, Marina West Yacht Club has provided thousands of dollars to local charities.

“The California Delta encompasses about 1,300 miles of waterways. The main contributing rivers are the Sacramento and the San Joaquin. Before these rivers empty into the Pacific Ocean, they pass through some of the best boating waterways in this country.”* MWYC stages cruises to anchorages and other locations throughout the Delta and San Francisco Bay.

Contact Information

14900 West Highway 12, Lodi, CA 95242
Zip/Post Code


14900 West Highway 12, Lodi, CA 95242

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