Korth’s Pirate’s Lair Marina


Korth’s Pirates’ Lair Marina is known as the “Garden Spot of the Delta” and has been family-owned since 1937. The marina is located on the confluence of the wide San Joaquin and Mokelumne Rivers. Its sheltered location provides protection from current and wind. This beautiful setting is comprised of 16 acres which has been developed into a park like setting.

Korth’s covered berths are available to permanent tenants. There are two additional guest docks maintained for visitors.

Korth’s Marina has a fuel dock (gas only), Restaurant, Gift Shop, Launch Ramp, and beautiful lawn area with picnic tables and barbecues.


Contact Information

169 W Brannan Island Rd, Isleton, CA 95641, USA
Zip/Post Code


169 W Brannan Island Rd, Isleton, CA 95641, USA

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