Bob’s Bait Shop


Home of live crawdads in entire Northern California

Bob's Bait shop is located in the heart of the California Delta on 1000 miles waterways and it's the best Striped Bass, Sturgeon and Salmon fishing in the state of California.
Bob's Bait Shop is in the center of the Crawdad Town USA. "Home of the Isleton Crawdad Festival".

We are proud of our reputation of having the best bait in the entire Delta. If our live bait is not alive we don't sell it to you!

Bob's Bait Shop is the only location in entire California has the best live crawdads. The blue crawdads are available all year round while the red crayfish are only available from August to October. During this time, live crayfish in Louisiana are out of season.
If you plan to buy more than 15 lb., please call for at least three days ahead. Please call: 408-893-5707 , 916-777-6666, or 916-777-6806 to order.

Check out the live crawdad tank any time, just for fun or when you are going fishing and want the very best.

Contact Information

302 2nd Street, Isleton, CA 95641
Zip/Post Code


302 2nd Street, Isleton, CA 95641

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