Marina West Yacht Club


Welcome to
Marina West Yacht Club,
a California Delta Yacht Club

The Biggest Little Yacht Club in the Delta & San Francisco Bay

The Marina West Yacht Club, founded in 1980, is where friends and family enjoy their common interest in boating.


We are a cruising club, with no fixed facility to maintain and therefore able to keep our annual dues at an affordable level.

Our members regularly cruise the three rivers (Mokelumne, San Joaquin and Sacramento) and the San Francisco Bay.

Marina West Yacht Club is a 2 Star member of Pacific Inter-Club Yacht Association, (PICYA).  

The club holds numerous events throughout the year including:

  • Monthly cruises
  • Blue water cruise to San Francisco & Pacific Ocean
  • Opening Day on the Bay & Delta
  • Margot Brown Wheelchair Regatta





Marina West Yacht Club

PO Box 147,  Isleton, CA 95641

Contact Information

100 Oxbow Marina Drive #C, Isleton, CA 95641
Zip/Post Code


100 Oxbow Marina Drive #C, Isleton, CA 95641

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